PhD., Facilities Management, Heriot-Watt University, Scotland
MSc., Construction Project Management, Heriot-Watt University, Scotland
MBA (Finance), Institute of Business Administration (IBA-Karachi), Pakistan
Waheed, Z. & Khan, N. (2023). Walled City of Lahore Authority: The Royal Trail Project. Asian Journal of Management Cases.
Waheed, Z. (2022). Managing Sensitive Contractual Disputes in Construction: The Orange Line Train Lahore Project. Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, 12 (03).
Waheed, Z. & Rana, A. (2020). The Build-or-Buy Decision of Operation and Maintenance Services at Quaid-E-Azam Solar Power Limited. Asian Journal of Management Cases.
Waheed, Z. & Ogunlana, S. (2019). Harnessing Knowledge of Building End-Users: Identifying Knowledge Carriers That Matter. Journal of Corporate Real Estate.
Waheed, Z. (2018). Translating Customer Needs into Project Outputs: Identification of Knowledge Brokers in Project Networks. Development & Learning In Organizations: An International Journal.
Waheed, Z. & Fernie, S. (2009). Knowledge-Based Facilities Management. Facilities.
Waheed, Z., Waseem, S. & Malik, M. (2020). Implementing the AWS Standard - Nestlé Sheikhupura, Pakistan., Published. Alliance for Water Stewardship (A4WS) UK, ..
Waheed, Z. (2023). Managing Megaprojects: The Beleaguered Lahore Mass Transit System Project, Under Review. Emerging Markets Case Studies.
Waheed, Z. (2022). Punjab Energy Company: Hiring Consultancy Services for Monitoring and Evaluation of Solarization Scheme Using QCBS, Published. LUMS No. 03-873-2022-1, Case Research Centre LUMS.
Waheed, Z. (2020). The British Council Lahore's Green and LEED Certified Library Building, Published. LUMS No. 03-870-2020-1, Case Research Centre LUMS.
Waheed, Z. (2020). Construction Contract Disputes In Pakistan: The Case Of Lahore Orange Line Metro Project, Published. LUMS No. 03-869-2020-1, Case Research Centre LUMS.
Waheed, Z. (2019). Heathrow Terminal 5: So, what went wrong?, Draft. Case Research Centre, LUMS.
Waheed, Z. (2019). The Business of Waste: Public Private Partnership at Lahore Waste Management Company, Draft. CRC.
Waheed, Z. (2019). Tetra Pak looks for answers: loose milk entry into Lahore's metropolis, Draft. Emerging Markets Case Studies.
Waheed, Z. (2018). Mastering the Instrument of Thought: An Exercise in Passive Observation, Draft. Emerging Markets Case Studies.
Waheed, Z. (2015). Punjab Government's Purchase of Microsoft Services and Products: Question of Integrity and Ethics, Published. LUMS No. 24-ASP31-2015-1, Case Research Center, LUMS.
Waheed, Z., Mogilevskii, R., Malik, F. & Enikeeva & Enikeeva, Z. (2020). Opportunities and Challenges for Agri-Food Trade Between Kyrgyzstan and Pakistan., Published. CAREC Institute, ..
Waheed, Z. (2019). Linking Ambitions, Transparency and Institutional Voids to South-South Funded CPEC Project Performance, Published. China's Belt and Road Initiative in a Global Context - Volume I: A Business and Management Perspective, Palgrave Macmillan.
Waheed, Z. (2018). The British Council Lahore's New Green Library Building: Toward Sustainable Organizations for the 21st Century (Part I: Green Organization), Published. Green Behavior and Corporate Social Responsibility in Asia, Emerald Group Publishing.
Waheed, Z. & Rana, A. (2019). The Build-or-Buy Decision of O&M Services at Quaid-E-Azam Solar Power Limited. 8th Asian Management Research and Case Conference.
Waheed, Z. (2019). Walled City of Lahore Authority: The Royal Trail Rehabilitation Project, A Case Study. 8th Asian Management Research and Case Conference.
Waheed, Z. & Ahmad, M. (2017). Water Policy and Institutional Development: Situational-Analysis for Informed Policy Development in Punjab, Pakistan. 33rd PLEA International Conference: Design to Thrive, 2-5 July 2017, Edinburgh, UK, doi:ISBN (978-0-9928957-5-4).
Waheed, Z. & Ogunlana, S. (2016). Serving Building End-Users: Network Positions, Knowledge and the Role of Various Professions. CIB World Building Congress, May 30th-June 03rd 2016, Tampere, Finland.
Waheed, Z. & Fernie, S. (2010). Understanding Knowledge Sharing Through Organisational Networks. CIB World Congress, Salford; May 10-13th, 2010.
Waheed, Z. & Finch, E. (2008). Modelling Knowledge Exchange among End-Users Using Social Network Analysis. CIB W70 International Conference in Facilities Management, Edinburgh; June 16-18th, 2008.
Waheed, Z. & Finch, E. (2008). Modelling Knowledge Exchaneg Using the Tenets of Social Network Analysis. Heriot-Watt Annual Research Conference: Research in Information, Communication and Modelling; Edinburgh, June 12, 2008.
Waheed, Z. (2008). Modelling Knowledge Exchange among End-Users Using Social Network Analysis. KIM Conference, Reading, UK, 2-3 April, 2008.
Waheed, Z. & Khan, N.
Waheed, Z. & Riaz, Z.
Waheed, Z.
Waheed, Z.
Waheed, Z. & Malik, F. (2023). Building occupiers' pro-environmental beliefs and adoption of green buildings: A case study of an industry from Lahore, Pakistan..
Waheed, Z. (2023). The Emporium Mall Construction Project-Developing the Schedule on MS Project.
Waheed, Z. (2023). Adopting the Alliance For Water Stewardship (A4WS) Global Standard In Industry: A Case From Sheikhupura, Pakistan.
Waheed, Z., Mogilevskii, R. & Enikeeva, Z. (2023). Leveraging physical connectivity for Agri-food trade between Pakistan and Kyrgyzstan: an exploration of current practice.
Waheed, Z. (2023). Emporium Mall Construction Project- Developing the Schedule on MS Project.
Waheed, Z. & Malik, F. (2020). Building occupiers' pro-environmental beliefs and adoption of green buildings: lessons from the industrial sector in Pakistan.
Waheed, Z. (2020). Managing a Dwindling Resource: Governance and Water Policy in Punjab.
Waheed, Z. & Atif, T. (2020). A Review of Current Urban Solid Waste Situation in Punjab Habitat (Elsevier).
Waheed, Z. & Malik, F. (2020). Urban Community Norms and Pro-Environmental Behavior: An Ethnographic Exploration.
Waheed, Z. & Shaharyar, M. (2020). On Unregulated Regulators, Consumer Trust and its Impact on the Packaging Milk Industry in Pakistan..
Waheed, Z. & Masud, M. (2020). What if the Wind Doesn't Blow? Emergent Dynamics of Pakistan's Wind Energy Sector.
Waheed, Z. (2020). Going Beyond Usual Suspects: Mapping Environmental Stakeholders in Networks Surrounding Urban Water Supply..
Waheed, Z. (2020). On Haste, Stakeholder Management and Crisis in Developing Country Megaprojects: The Case of Orange Line Metro Train Project in Pakistan..
Waheed, Z. & Malik, F. (2020). User-driven Green Building adoption-user PEB and its impact on Green building design adoption.
Waheed, Z. & Haider, S. (2019). Managing competition in City Public Services: The Case of Lahore.
Waheed, Z. & Ogunlana, S. (2019). Knowledge Brokers, Project Roles and the Centrality of End-User Needs.
Waheed, Z. (2018). New Forms of Procurement: PPP And Relational Contracting in the 21st Century, Facilities, Facilities, Vol. 36 Issue: 7/8, pp.437-438..
Waheed, Z. (2017). Megaproject Risk Analysis and Simulation, Facilities, Volume 36, 3/4..
Waheed, Z. (2017). Facilities Management and the Business of Managing Assets, Facilities, Volume 36, Number 5/6..
Waheed, Z. (2016). Capture and Reuse of Project Knowledge in Construction, Facilities, Volume 34, Number 1/2..
Waheed, Z. (2016). Understanding Project Management: Skills and Insights for Successful Project Delivery, Facilities, Volume 34, Number 7/8..
Waheed, Z. (2016). Case Studies in Project, Program and Organizational Project Management, Facilities, Volume 34, Number 5/6.
Waheed, Z. (2015). Strategic Planning: A Strategic Guide for Competitive Success, Facilities, Volume 33, Number 1/2..
Waheed, Z. (2015). Facilities Management Research in the Nordic Countries: Past Present and Future, Facilities, Volume 33, Number 1/2..
Waheed, Z. (2013). Improving Healthcare through Built Environment Infrastructure, Facilities, Vol. 31 No. 13/14, pp. 702-703..
Waheed, Z. (2013). Facilities Change Management, Facilities, Vol. 31 No. 3/4, pp. 185-186..
Waheed, Z. (2013). How to Write a Historic Structure Report, Facilities, Vol. 31 No. 1/2, pp. 97-98..
Waheed, Z. (2012). Open Facility Management: A Successful Implementation in Public Administration, Facilities, Vol. 30 No. 5/6, pp. 262-262..
Waheed, Z. (2012). Supply Chain Performance, Facilities, Vol. 30 No. 3/4, pp. 177-178..
Waheed, Z. (2012). Innovation in Small Professional Practices in the Built Environment, Facilities, Vol. 30 No. 3/4, pp. 176-177..
Waheed, Z. (2012). Construction Stakeholder Management, Facilities, Vol. 30 No. 1/2, pp. 96-96..
Waheed, Z. (2012). Managing Complex Projects, Facilities, Vol. 30 No. 13/14, pp. 695-695..
Waheed, Z. (2012). Building Methodological Bridges, Facilities, Vol. 30 No. 9/10, pp. 449-450..
Waheed, Z. (2011). Great Public Squares: An Architect's Selection, Facilities, Vol. 29 No. 5/6, pp. 269-269..
Waheed, Z. (2011). Marketing and Selling Professional Services in Architecture and Construction, Facilities, Vol. 29 No. 5/6, pp. 268-269..
Waheed, Z. (2010). Conference Review 6th EuroFM Research Symposium, Facilities, Vol. 28 No. 1/2..
Waheed, Z. (2010). Frank Lloyd Wright, Essential Texts, Facilities, Vol. 28 No. 7/8, pp. 397-398..
Waheed, Z. (2010). Understanding Green Building Guidelines, Facilities, Vol. 28 No. 7/8, pp. 396-397..
Waheed, Z. (2010). Total Facilities Management, Facilities, Vol. 28 No. 9/10, pp. 494-495..
Waheed, Z. (2010). Building on Knowledge, Facilities, Vol. 28 No. 9/10, pp. 495-496..
Waheed, Z. (2010). The Long Work Hours Culture: Causes Consequences and Choices, Facilities, Vol. 28 No. 7/8, pp. 395-396..
Waheed, Z. (2009). Green Roofs in Sustainable Landscape Design, Facilities, Vol. 27 No. 13/14, pp. 560-560..
Waheed, Z. (2009). Facilities Management Best Practice in the Nordic Countries: 36 Cases, Facilities, Vol. 27 No. 9/10, pp. 413-413..
Waheed, Z. (2009). Energy Environment and Climate, Facilities, Volume 27, No. 5/6, pp. 250-251..
Waheed, Z. (2009). Facilities Management for Students and Practitioners, Facilities, Vol. 27 No. 1/2, pp. 66-67..
Waheed, Z. (2008). Managing Built Heritage: The Role of Cultural Significance, Facilities, Volume 26, Number 11/12.
Waheed, Z. (2008). Facilities Planning and Design, Facilities, Vol. 26 No. 9/10, pp. 426-426..